How can I size my finger?
A question we're constantly asked is how to find out what ring size should I choose.
It's a question that appears to be so simple, but judging from the number of rings we're asked to resize, it's an issue that's not properly addressed.
As a starting point, the best way to get an accurate sizing is popping into a local jeweller, and asking them to measure you ring finger. Jewellers are used to the request, and won't charge you, and you'll know exactly how big your finger size is.
There's a lot of different ring sizing conventions, we use the UK convenson which measures sizes in letters from A through to Z and beyond. Other countries use different sizing scales, but a conversion chart allows us to equate international sizes to a UK size.
Finger measured? Surely that's all there is to it?
Well no, firstly fingers do change in size through the year, determined mainly by the season, temperature and humidity. If you're a size P in summer, you may well find that when the winter months arrive your finger actually shrinks in size, and you could be a size O.
Also the size of the ring can also determine which size you need.
The measurement given by a jeweller will almost certainly be correct if you choose a small band like a wedding ring or the style shown below.
However if you like your rings large and wide, you may well need to upsize by a whole size, or even a size and a half.
How about these online ring sizers you see? In the absence of a local jeweler, you can download ring sizers that you can print and cut out to check your size, but in our experience they're not that accurate,and can only get within half a size of your actual measurement.
You can also measure the circumference of your finger with string or cord, and use the online tables to figire our what size you are. Again in the absence of any other method, this can work, but often customers measure the body of their finger instead of the knuckle, and underestimate the size they need.
So where do you go from here?
Always visit a jeweler if you have the opportunity to do so, and get an accurate measurement. Explain the type of ring you're looking for, and ask their suggestions about going larger if the ring you want is particularly big.
Received a ring that's too large or small? It's not the end of the world, we're always happy to exchange for larger or smaller sizes.
Ring sizing can be tricky - follow the steps above and you'll have the best chance of getting the right size first time, but the increments in sizes are so small, sometimes an exchange is neccessary, but we're always here to help.